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Muscle Milk Chocolate Protein Shake helps to support muscle rebuilding, muscle growth, and maintenance of muscle mass. Each shake provides a combination of high-quality, slow releasing, and fast releasing proteins to provide a more sustained delivery of protein to help you own your strength. This shake contains 25 grams of protein and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. This product contains zero grams of sugar.

  • Contains four 11oz bottles of Muscle Milk Genuine Protein Shake
  • 25 grams of protein per serving to help support muscle rebuilding, muscle growth, and maintenance of muscle mass
  • Combination of high-quality slow releasing and fast releasing proteins provide a more sustained delivery of protein compared to whey alone
  • Zero grams of sugar
  • Excellent source of Calcium and Vitamins A, C, & D
  • 4 grams of fiber per serving
  • Includes essential amino acids like Leaucine which play a role in muscle growth
  • Helps rebuild muscle, post-workout recovery, anytime snack, on-the-go-breakfast, helps satisfy hunger, and is energizing
  • Tested for banned substances. NSF Certified for Sport. NSF Screens for more than 200 substances banned by most major athletic organizations.

Muscle Milk Genuine Protein Shake (Chocolate)

  • 25 grams of protein per serving to help support muscle building, muscle growth, and maintenance of muscle mass.

    Combination of high-quality slow releasing and fast releasing proteins provide a more sustained delivery of protein compared to whey alone.

    Zero grams of sugar.

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